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13062019 JRE 첫번째 저널 작성하여 저장.

by MJINAUS 2021. 6. 13.

아직 JRE Start date는 나오지 않았다.

저널은 작성할 수 있게 되어 있어서 첫번째 달 저널 작성하여 Save 해 놓음. 제출하지는 못하고, 22/5~21/6 인데 마지막 날짜가 되면 클로징 되고 알아서 제출되는 시스템인 것 같다.

빨리 담당자에게 JRE시작 컨펌 연락이 왔으면 좋겠다. 그럼 다음 할 일은 Clamining prior employment.

조건은 다음과 같다.

2.2.9. Claiming prior employment You can apply to vary the JRE start date by claiming up to three consecutive months paid employment that was undertaken immediately prior to applying online for JRE. To make a claim, a Statement of Prior Employment form must be completed (this form is available on the TRA website under Forms and Policy), and provide acceptable pay evidence (section 2.2.11 of the Guidelines outlines the pay evidence accepted by TRA). Prior employment will only be considered where it was:

 undertaken with the first employer registered by TRA for JRE

 undertaken in the three monthsimmediately preceding the online application for JRE

 not already used to meet the work requirementsfor step 1 ‐ Provisional Skills Assessment.
